Durman Sihombing





Istilah Roh Kudus dalam Perjanjian Lama menunjukkan beberapa istilah yakni Roh Tuhan, Roh TUHAN, Roh Allah, Roh Kudus sebagai pribadi Ilahi yang hidup, memiliki pikiran perasaan dan kehendak. Roh Tuhan adalah pribadi yang setara dengan Bapa dan Yesus Kristus dalam Trinitas. Pribadi Roh Tuhan juga menjelaskan tentang sifat-sifat-Nya yang setara dengan Bapa dan Yesus Kristus yakni omni present (maha hadir), omni science (maha tahu) serta omni potence (maha kuasa). Sifat-sifat-Nya menunjukkan kekekalan-Nya dan kesetaraan Roh Kudus dengan Allah Bapa dan Yesus Kristus. Karya Roh Tuhan dalam sepanjang Perjanjian Lama menunjukkan pribadi dan sifat-Nya yakni sebagai Pencipta, menyertai, memperlengkapi serta memberdayakan orang percaya dalam Perjanjian Lama. Kata kunci: Roh Kudus



The term Holy Spirit in the Old Testament shows several terms, namely the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit as a living divine person, having thoughts of feeling and will. The Spirit of God is an equal person with the Father and Jesus Christ in the Trinity. The personal Spirit of the Lord also explains His attributes which are equal to the Father and Jesus Christ, namely omni present (omnipresent), omni science (omniscient) and omni potence (almighty). His attributes show His eternity and the equality of the Holy Spirit with God the Father and Jesus Christ. The work of the Spirit of God throughout the Old Testament shows His personality and character as the Creator, accompanying, equipping and empowering believers in the Old Testament. Keywords: Holy Spirit




Roh Kudus; analisis; Perjanjian Lama

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