Kekhasan Eskatologi Rasul Paulus

Suharso Suharso


The characteristic of Paul's theology was motivated by his conversion and the calling of his ministry as an apostle to the nations. He was born in a Greek society and was raised in a solid Judaic discipline, but his concept and thought changed when he became a believer of Jesus. This article aimed to show the uniqueness of Paul's eschatological thought, everything related to the end age. The conclusion is, that the end of age was begun at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but had not been perfectly fulfilled, and would be fulfilled in the second coming of Jesus on earth.


Kekhasan teologi Paulus dilatarbelakangi pertobatannya dan panggilan pelayanannya sebagai rasul untuk bangsa-bangsa. Paulus lahir dalam lingkungan Yunani dan dibesarkan dalam didikan Yudaisme yang kuat; akan tetapi konsep dan pemikirannya berubah ketika dia menjadi percaya Yesus. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan keunikan pemikiran eskatologis Paulus, yakni segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan zaman akhir. Kesimpulannya, zaman akhir sudah dimulai sejak kematian dan kebangkitan Yesus Kristus, namun belum secara sempurna tergenapi, dan akan tergenapi pada masa kedatangan Yesus kedua kalinya di bumi ini.

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